摘自 淡水馬偕:http://www.mmh.org.tw/taitam/medical_edu/www/default.asp?contentID=733

make an appointment. 掛號

✦Is this your first visit? 你是初診嗎?
-Have you visited our hospital before?請問您有到過我們醫院嗎?

✦Please fill out this registration form.  請填寫初診單

✦Please go to the reception counter and fill out a "first-time visit form." After that, give the form to me along with your ID card and health insurance IC card. 請您先至服務臺填寫初診單,填妥後連同身分證及健保IC卡一起交給我。

✦Which department do you want to visit? 你要看哪一科呢?

-Which department would you like to visit?

✦Do you have an assigned doctor? 你有指定醫生嗎?

-Do you prefer any doctor?

-Do you have any special doctor?

✦Can I please have your health insurance IC card and three hundred eighty dollars,  please?麻煩請您出示健保IC卡和繳交380元。

✦This is your appointment number. 這是你的掛號單

✦Please wait in front of Room 338. 請在338室前面等

✦ Your clinic room is number 338, and your appointment number is 31. The registration fee is 380 NT dollars. Please go to the end of the corridor and make a left turn. After that, go to Pediatrics pre-examination counter 220 to measure your height and weight.


✦Please take your medical record with you and give it to the nurse. 請帶著病歷並交給診間小姐

✦Please wait a minute. Please come on Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock and go directly to the Urology Department. Your appointment number is 31. 請稍待一下。請星期三下午二點直接至泌尿科。您的掛號號碼是31號。

✦May I have your medical record number? 請問您的病歷號碼是?

✦Sorry, Dr. A's schedule is full. Please go directly to the doctor in the consultation room and make an appointment there. 對不起,A醫師已額滿,請您直接到診間找醫師掛號。

-Sorry, Dr. A's schedule is already full. Please call back at 8 AM on that day to make an appointment.對不起,A醫師已額滿,請您當日早上八點鐘再打電話來掛號。

✦Please go to the pharmacy and pick up your medicine. Your pickup number is 261. 請您至藥局領藥,您的領藥號碼為261。

✦I m sorry, but we can't accept credit cards. We can take certain cash cards for amounts of more than 2,000 NT dollars.對不起,本院目前未提供信用卡刷卡服務,只有金額超過2000元以上者,可使用指定銀行之金融卡刷卡

✦Since you don t have your health insurance card with you, we have to charge you 1,000 NT dollars. If you bring us your receipt, health insurance card, and either an ID card, passport, or driver s license within ten days, we can give you a refund.因為您沒有帶健保卡,本院先向您收取1000元,請您10日內持收據、健保卡、身分證或護照或駕照辦理補卡退費。


⎚ 各科英文 ⎚

Dermatology 皮膚科

Pediatrics 小兒科

Urology 泌尿科

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